Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wheat Grass Juice

Wheat grass Juice refers to the juice from the young grass of the common wheat plant, Wheatgrass juice is a complete food with no toxic side affects. It contains all of the vitamins and most of the minerals needed for human maintenance and well-being. It is also a complete protein with about 30 enzymes and is approximately 70% crude chlorophyll.

Ann Wigmore, who was the first person to investigate and promote wheatgrass juice includes evidence in her books of the blood cleansing and building abilities of chlorophyll, its effect on the circulatory system and oxygen supply, and its role in detoxifying and regenerating the liver. She thought that deficiency and toxemia are the causes of all disease. By eating the modern American diet of mostly cooked, highly processed, nutritionally empty food we cause our bodies to become clogged, like pouring sugar in your car’s gas tank. By cleansing the body with wheatgrass juice you give it more opportunity to heal itself. Drugs may take away symptoms, but at some cost to the body, while cleansing our systems will actually allow the body to heal itself from disease.

Wheatgrass juice is a potent source of enzymes. When you are young you have a natural inheritance of enzyme concentration in all of your cells and friendly bacteria in the GI tract. As you get older the high demand for enzymes due to cooked foods, pathogenic microbes and viruses as well as chemicals, leads to more and more depletion. Tests have shown that a 70 year old has about half the enzymes of the 20 year old. The cells of the elderly have lost over 90% of the enzymes concentration as found in infants. Aging is enzyme exhaustion.

The pancreas, which produces our digestive enzymes, becomes less efficient as we get older due to reduced enzyme availability. This means two things: indigestion and reduced absorption of nutrients from food. You might eat a balanced diet yet be lacking the enzymes to extract the nutrients from the food, which can result in nutritional deficiency. More than any other biochemical cause, this deficiency results in weight gain. People dealing with obesity are usually extremely malnourished. Lack of enzymes and obesity are the “Bonnie and Clyde” of weight regulation. Further, this imbalance causes premature aging and vulnerability to most forms of disease.

Wheatgrass is an energizer: The vitality obtained from wheatgrass juice is remarkable.Two ounces of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to the nutritional value of roughly 4 pounds of organic green vegetables in vitamin and mineral content. On an empty stomach, it is assimilated into the blood in about 20 minutes. The vitality lasts throughout the day.

Wheatgrass is a blood builder: Both chlorophyll (as in wheatgrass juice) and hemoglobin (red blood cells) are molecularly similar. The only actual difference is that the central element in chlorophyll is magnesium and in hemoglobin it is iron. Chlorophyll has the ability to break down poisonous carbon dioxide and release free oxygen. This inhibits and reduces the action of anaerobic bacteria (a disease-producing micro-organism). Wheatgrass juice has been shown to build red blood cells quickly after ingestion. It normalizes high blood pressureand stimulates healthy tissue-cell growth.

Cleanse your body with wheatgrass: The many detergent factors of wheatgrass juice can drain the lymph system, carrying away many toxins from all body cells. When an imbalance or injury exists (examples: sore tendons or joints; degenerative disease, etc.), there is a natural build-up of mucous in the lymph particular to that area. This mucous is encapsulated, helping to ensure the proper flow of lymphatic fluid. Wheatgrass juice helps to breakdown the mucous and allow it to drain. This relieves pressure to allow healing.Wheatgrass juice's high enzyme content helps dissolve tumors. It is the fastest, surest way to eliminate internal waste and provide an optimum nutritional environment. Wheatgrass juice can also be used as a poultice, wash, douche or bath, stimulating healthy new cells and fighting infections.

Wheatgrass juice can dissolve scars that are formed in the lungs from breathing acid gasses. The effects of carbon monoxide is minimized since chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production.

Wheatgrass juice helps to reduce high blood pressure as the juice helps to reduce toxins from the body and gives the blood iron which helps circulation.

It helps overcome dandruff and stop hair from greying. Rub the juice into the scalp, wait ten minutes, shampoo and rinse.

When held in the mouth the juice can prevent tooth decay, relieve a sore throat, cure pyorrhea and soothe a toothache.

Douche with wheatgrass juice for vaginal infections.

Wheatgrass juice and living foods are helpful in reducing outbreaks of psoriasis and eczema. Applied to the skin the juice can reduce age spots and tighten skin. It also has beneficial effects on the capillaries.

It can be used as a sterilizer for water and to clean vegetables of toxic residue. Combined with living foods, it is great for blood disorders of all kinds including anemia.

After an enema, wheatgrass juice implants are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls, as well as cleansing the internal organs.

Wheatgrass juice is excellent in a case of constipation in keeping the bowels open.

It helps overcome aging and gives energy to the sex hormones.

Toxic metals stored in the body - lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, and excessive amounts of copper- can be successfully removed with small amounts of wheatgrass juice, in increasing dosages.

Wheatgrass is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin A and vitamin C. It is also an excellent source of calcium iron magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, and protein.

Bundles of wheatgrass suspended in aquarium water purify and disinfect the water and can heal sick fish.

How to grow wheat-grass

  1. Soak adequate quantity of unpolished wheat-grain overnight in water in any container (after cleaning and washing it thoroughly).
  2. Keep a few pots (preferably 7 to 9 pots- one to be sown each day of the week) ready with ordinary soil. Do not add any chemicals or fertilizers. Cow-dung or goat-dung may be added as manure if needed.
  3. Spread the soaked wheat on the surface of the soil so that the grains are touching one another.
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the wheat grains .
  5. Cover the pot with a newspaper to provide darkness which helps the sprouting and also to prevent the birds from eating the wheat.
  6. Keep the pot in a balcony or a windowsill or a covered verandah.
  7. Next day uncover the pot and spray on some water and again cover it with the newspaper.
  8. Repeat step 7 everyday until you see green leaves sprouting through the soil. Stop covering the pot as soon as the green leaves appear.
  9. Everyday water the pot lightly but adequately depending upon the season and also depending upon the pots used - whether they have holes or not. Beautiful green blades of grass keep growing in height everyday.
  10. As soon as the grass is about 8 inches tall ( which usually happens around the 7th to the 9th day from the date of sowing) harvest the grass by cutting with a clean pair of scissors about 1/2" above the surface of the soil.
  11. The harvested wheat grass is now ready to be chewed or juiced or stored.
  12. A second round of wheat grass will again grow in about 6 to 7 days with daily watering as before.
  13. After the second harvest from the same pot, remove all the soil in the pot onto a newspaper- breakup all the roots and mix them with the soil. Add a bit of cowdung to this to rejuvenate the soil.
  14. The soil is now ready for reuse for a fresh sowing of wheat.
Choice of pots

Clay pots with or without holes can be used. However we find plastic basins of about 6 to 8 inches diameter and about 3 inches deep ideal. These can be filled upto 2 1/2 inches with soil. Also trays made from wood or plastic or steel may be used.

How much wheat to sow everday?

For a family of 4 healthy persons, about 100 grams can be sown every day in a new pot or basin so that a continous supply is available. 7 to 9 pots would ensure a fresh harvest every day of the week.

For a person who is sick the amount of wheat required to be sown everyday is about 50 to 100 grams. Again 7 to 9 pots growing at any given time would ensure one pot maturing for cutting everyday (since it takes about 7 to 9 days to get the harvest).

How to store wheat grass

The wheat grass can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container or a good quality cellophane bag for about 3 days. but the juice must be drunk as soon as juiced orwithin1/2 hour of juicing.

How to juice wheat grass

Please do not use electric blenders for juicing as the rapid blade movement causes oxidation of the chlorophyll and renders it useless.

A manual mince maker maybe used or you can use any stone crushing method available in the home for making chutneys.

Add a little water while grinding or pounding- strain the juice through a clean cloth into a cup or a glass. Grind again adding water - repeat this process until the remaining grass is almost white. Do not throw the leftover grass. Put it in your plants as manure.

How to use wheat grass

  1. For a healthy person - a good mouthful (fairly well stuffed) and more if you wish, should be taken early morning and chewed until the remaining cud in the mouth is almost white. This can be eaten or thrown out. (Constipated people are advised to eat the cud as it provides roughage for a better bowel movement).
  2. If being taken in juice form, a healthy person can take 1/4 to 1/3 of a glass everyday. but remember that the juice must be drunk immediately on juicing.

  3. For a sick person - 1/4 to 1/2 glass of wheat grass juice is required to start with. If possible this should be spread over 2 to 3 times during the day - the important thing of course being to drink the juice soon after juicing.
  4. The quantity should be gradually increased to about 8 ounces a day (approx one glass full).

  5. Wheat can be crushed thoroughly and applied externally on Cancers and Ulcers as a poultice.
  6. Wheat grass juice can be used as a rectal implant for cleansing and rejuvenating. Use an enema syringe to implant the juice in the rectum. Try and retain it for 20 minutes.
  7. Wheat grass juice is also effective as an eye-bath (using an eye-cup).

(few years back i had hemoglobin deficency, i drank wheat grass juice and my hemoglobin level came to normal within 15 days from when i started drinking it .I still drink wheat grass juice every day for my good health.)

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